You know how expensive auto insurance can be, especially if you have multiple family members on your policy. And insurance companies understand how important it is to make auto insurance more affordable. As a result, they offer a range of discounts. In fact, did you know you could save as much as 25%? Here are some of the most popular discounts.
Safe driving
One of the most well-known is a safe driving discount. Drivers who have been accident- and claim-free for three (or five) years, depending on your insurance company, are typically eligible. This could save you a maximum of 25%. However, some insurance companies require everyone on the policy to be accident-free. Speak with your insurance professional to find out if this is a requirement as stated in your policy’s fine print.
Multiple policies
Insurance companies often offer discounts for bundling policies with them. For example, if you bundle both your home and auto insurance with the same company, you could save anywhere from 15% to 25% on both policies. You’ll likely get a discount if you put multiple cars on your auto policy as well. (However, this discount doesn’t apply to a second car that’s kept in storage. For that, you’ll need to purchase comprehensive coverage.)
Safety features
Your insurance company might reduce rates for safety features like anti-lock brakes, backup cameras and airbags. If your car is new or is a hybrid vehicle, you may also collect a discount. And if you’ve installed theft protection, that could lower your rate as well.
Location and use
Where you live and whether you park your car in a garage or driveway rather than on the street can result in a discounted premium. Using public transport rather than your car to head to work every day can also lower your premium.
Safe driving courses
Yet another way to save is to continue your driving education. Enrolling in courses on defensive driving or other safe driving classes — anything that promotes safe driving habits — may reduce your insurance cost by as much as 10%.
Memberships or affiliations
You can even qualify for a 5% to 25% discount if you have membership, employment or other affiliation with a certain organization or group that your insurance company partners with. For example, teachers, federal employees, fraternity or sorority members and veterans may all be eligible for a discount.
Depending on the insurance company, your home state and a host of other factors, you could save a tidy sum on the cost of your auto insurance. Reach out to your Rathbun Insurance account manager to learn about available discounts that you can start taking advantage of today.