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Rathbun Insurance Announces Call for Artists for LANSING Placemaking Project

We at Rathbun Insurance are excited to share some fantastic news! Laura Stoken, our Chief Operating Officer and Board Member on the Saginaw Street Corridor Improvement Authority Board of Directors, has an exciting announcement. In collaboration with the Lansing Economic Development Corporation (Lansing EDC) and the Arts Council of Greater Lansing, we are thrilled to unveil a unique opportunity for local artists to contribute to the vibrant community of Lansing.

The LANSING Placemaking Project is set to be a stunning public art display, showcasing “mini murals” on large letter signage that spells out “LANSING.” This project is a celebration of our city’s creativity, culture, and community spirit. We are on the lookout for seven talented artists, each tasked with decorating one of the six-foot letters with Lansing-themed art. This is your chance to leave a lasting mark on our cityscape and be part of a project that will be admired by residents and visitors alike.

  • Number of Artists Needed: 7
  • Art Theme: Lansing-themed designs that reflect the essence and spirit of our city.
  • Letter Size: Each artist will work on one 6-foot tall letter.
  • Compensation: Each chosen artist will receive $1000 for their completed letter.
  • Materials: All supplies and materials will be provided.

Important Dates

  • Submission Deadline: Friday, July 12, 2024, 11:59 p.m. EST
  • Submission Link: Apply Here

We encourage all local artists to seize this incredible opportunity to showcase their work and contribute to the beautification of Lansing. This project is a testament to our community's vibrant artistic talent and a step towards enhancing our city's visual appeal.

We look forward to seeing the incredible designs our local artists will bring to life on these letters. Let’s make Lansing an even more beautiful place together!

For more information and to submit your application, please visit here.