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Accidents Happen: How Everyday Mishaps Can Lead to Big Losses

At Rathbun Insurance, we understand that accidents can happen in the blink of an eye. The truth is, even the most careful among us can fall victim to unexpected mishaps that lead to significant damage or loss. This year alone, we've seen several claims that serve as a reminder of how small oversights can spiral into major issues.

Consider these examples:

  1. A Washcloth's Slip-Up: It might sound harmless, but a simple washcloth slipping into a sink led to a flooded bathroom. The water overflowed and seeped into floors and walls, causing extensive damage that required costly repairs.
  2. A Purse on the Stove: One of our insureds accidentally placed their purse on a stove and bumped the knob, igniting a fire that spread quickly. What started as a routine action ended in a house fire with significant loss and damage.
  3. Cardboard and Furnaces Don’t Mix: In another case, large cardboard boxes were placed too close to a furnace. The heat from the furnace caused the boxes to catch fire, resulting in a situation that could have been easily avoided with a bit more caution.

These incidents remind us that little accidents can quickly turn into big losses. It's easy to overlook the potential risks in our everyday actions, but a bit of extra awareness can go a long way in preventing these types of mishaps.

We encourage everyone to think like their Rathbun Insurance agent and account manager. By being proactive and identifying potential hazards in your home or workplace, you can help mitigate the chances of these everyday accidents turning into costly claims. Whether it’s ensuring flammable items are kept away from heat sources or double-checking that sinks are clear of obstructions, small steps can make a big difference in protecting your property and peace of mind.

At Rathbun Insurance, we're here to help you navigate the unexpected. If you have questions about how to better safeguard your home or business, don’t hesitate to reach out. Remember, "Being There Matters Most," and we're committed to helping you stay prepared for whatever life throws your way.